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Join date: Oct 5, 2021


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Hi, I am a student in Oceanside High School. I'm in the Art/Dig Med & Des pathway. In this pathway I have worked on photography, Graphic Design, and I'm currently in 3d animation.

Name: Orismar Gracida


Mission Statement:

My professional goal is to demonstrate my animation skills and create a game anyone can enjoy. Being accurate and reliable are my characteristics. My plan is to create a dynamic design and aim at the perspectives.


During my time in the pathway I created 3D designs, Photography, and Graphic Designs. I've created a logo for OTV, animating characters, and creating landscapes. I was taught in digital media production and the principles.


  • Oceanside High School

  • Current high student


The position I am applying for is animating, creating landscape scenes, and photography.

During this course it inspired me to pursue this career.

Work History:

-child care


My abilities when working as a team are communication, collaboration and following instructions. A time when I worked as a team was when I was a part of music in elementary school. Students played different instruments but I played the Violin. This shows teamwork because everyone had to collaborate in order for everything to come out well.


3D Animation Work:


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